PC-POS is a simple and functional cash POS type program dedicated to a POS with a screen or touch-screen, fiscal printer, barcode scanner, scales and any kind (PC or programmable) of keyboard.
We offer a few versions of programs dedicated to POS’s, including, without limitation:
- PC-POS 7 – a program dedicated to POS’s working in MS Windows or Linux environments
- PC-POS Premium – a program for cash systems with multiple POS’s
- PC-POS 7 SCO – a program for Self-Check-Out type cash-registers
- Mini-Market - a program for integrated cash-warehouse POS’s
- PC-Petrol – a program dedicated for comprehensive filling station service
- PC-Gastronom – a program for restaurants and other food serving facilities
PC-POS 7 has a friendly and intuitive user’s interface. Particular stress has been laid on the functionality of operation on touch terminals and easiness of service. The cashier instantly learns how to sell efficiently.
PC-POS 7 has a possibility to adapt the interface to food stores, stockists and food serving facilities – we may decide on the cashier’s screen look and the available …
PC-POS 7 provides data security through a system of local base synchronisation on the server. In case of loss of communication with the server base, the program automatically switches on operation on the local base and transmits data directly after the communication has been restored.
PC-POS 7 may be configured remotely or locally – from one point, the store back-office or any POS, we may configure a selected POS (e.g. add quick sale keys).
PC-POS 7 and PC-Market 7 – is a comprehensive store management system. The system will enable full cashier account clearing and view of the earnings currently performed on a cash-register/s and the scope of data downloaded from the cash-register by a rich reporting module shall satisfy even the most demanding analysts.

PC-POS 7 – basic capabilities of the program:
- operation of touch-screens and programmable keyboards
- package clearing operation and tandem sales
- discount operation,
- operation of loyalty and debit cards
- clearing the cashier of various forms of payments
- clearing the cashier of cash in any number of currencies
- operation of weighed codes
- extended configuration of personnel authorisations
- serving any number of cashiers
- possibility to open several receipts simultaneously
- extended configuration of program with bookmarks customised to a specific sector
- high security of operation and data
- continuous operation, even on loss of communication with the database server
- cooperation with warehouse programs – most of all with PC-Market 7
- issuing invoices to receipts – with cooperation with PC-Market 7.
PC-POS 7 – methods of search for a commodity sold:
- with the use of barcode scanners (RS, keyboard, USB)
- by manual entering of code, when the barcode is damaged – by name on the PLU list
- by context on the PLU list
- by defining conditions on selected columns of the PLU list
- by defined commodity parameters
- by defined quick sale icons on the touch-screen
- by programmed quick sale keys on the keyboard.
PC-POS 7, thanks to the rich cashier interface configuration is dedicated to:
- stockists (including without limitation fashion, shoes, Home Appliances)
- discount stores and megastores (in the version with cash server)
- restaurants and other food serving facilities.
PC-POS 7 operates in MS Windows and Linux environments.